Our Pastor

Pastor Lenny Meyer
To Spirit Of Life Christian Center
Hello, We are so glad you found our site!
Pastor Lenny Meyer of
the Spirit Of Life Christian Center.
Are you in search for better health, better relationships and better life experiences? You're tired of dealing with the same problems, day in and day out, with no solutions. You long for something more. We’ve all been there at some time or another. BUT we have good news for you because there is always hope in Jesus, God and His WORD!
He started out much like that, most people haven’t been taught to put their faith in God’s WORD, and it definitely showed. When he made the decision to make Jesus the LORD of his life and to put trust in his WORD, his life was changed in every area. As he grew and witnessed his life changing, He was compelled by God to share His message with everyone. God was preparing him for this time in his life. Lenny was called to teach people just like you how to overcome life’s obstacles and to live in faith by applying principles found in the Bible. The wisdom of God’s WORD can help you with ANY situation you may find yourself. Most of our teachings range from one of these areas, Jesus, health, relationships, healing, faith, prayer and spiritual growth.
About Me
Lenny (Troy) Meyer
In 2002, I formed Spirit of Life Christian Center with a heart to help believers develop their faith in God and be able to apply that faith in practical ways out in their communities. In 1962, I was in the 7th grade in Myrtle Point, Oregon. Junior High was exciting to me...my young maleness was beginning to show on the outside and I was thrilled at all the possibilities life would present in the way of

Youth Minister
Our Youth Minister
Carol Brown